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    Content Marketing

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    Cryptocurency, Digital

    Services Provided

    Content Marketing, PPC

    Area Served


    The Challenge

    As you may already know, there are an infinite number of things you can test on your site to help you increase sales.

    From layout to copy to design, there are limitless combinations of changes that may improve your visitor-to-sale conversion rate. But what’s “enough” when you’re just starting out? What elements should you focus on testing before rolling out your traffic campaign? Changes that may improve your visitor-to-sale conversion rate. But what’s “enough” when you’re just starting out? What elements should you focus on testing before rolling out your traffic campaign?

    Enthusiasm, commitment and a long list of satisfied clients wasn’t enough for Reborn to achieve the growth they wanted. To get ahead of the competition, they partnered with OMG on a digital solution engineered for market success.

    Key problems

    • Wanting to boost domain authority to dominate fierce market competition
    • Create a site structure that will enhance SEO
    • Onsite optimisation to make their website appeal to both search engines and users

    Our Approach

    SEO was about achieving significant uplifts in rankings, traffic, and revenue. They were ambitious in becoming the market leader online for advertising agencies. To achieve their version of success we customised a 24 month campaign. The core strategy leveraged:

    • Optimising the website and content structure to improve the SEO ranking of their website
    • Cutting edge technical onsite optimisation to streamline search and website performance
    • Get more high authority and traffic driving links by increasing domain authority


    As you may already know, there are an infinite number of things you can test on your site to help you increase sales. SEO was about achieving significant uplifts in rankings, traffic, and revenue. They were ambitious in becoming the market leader online for advertising agencies.

    As you may already know, there are an infinite number of things you can test on your site to help you increase sales. From layout to copy to design, there are limitless combinations of changes that may improve your visitor-to-sale conversion rate. But what’s “enough” when you’re just starting out? What elements should you focus on testing before rolling out your traffic campaign?

    0 %
    Lower cost per acquisition
    0 %
    More organic traffic
    0 %
    More inbound leads
    0 %
    Decrease in bounce rate

    Satisfied Customers

    10,000k+ Customers those who already tried our services.


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    Katie Smith General Partner at Entrepreneur

    Xhibiter is one of the most exciting, if you're interested in shaping a new business model for creators, this is the team to join.

    Alex Fox Entrepreneur / Manager

    Xhibiter is one of the most exciting, if you're interested in shaping a new business model for creators, this is the team to join.

    Marshal Ericson NFT Entrepreneur